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英国毕业论文Literature Review部分学术表达模板句

发布时间:2024-06-25 11:46

  中国学生去英国,毕业季的论文写作困扰很多,各大结构部分都有各自的写作难度,文献综述(Literature Review)在毕业论文中占有很重要的地位,是研究的重要理论基础和支撑。为了帮助大家更好地撰写文献综述,这里ios开云怎么下载 给大家整理一些英国毕业论文Literature Review部分学术表达模板句。

英国Literature Review辅导



  Author identifies ...

  例句:Smith (2020) identifies the key factors influencing economic growth in developing countries.

  Author lists three possibilities...

  例句:Johnson (2018) lists three possibilities for the decline in biodiversity: habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.

  Author traces the development of ...

  例句:Lee (2019) traces the development of renewable energy technologies over the past two decades.

  Author provides in-depth analysis of the work of ...

  例句:Brown (2017) provides in-depth analysis of the work of earlier researchers on social media's impact on communication.

  Author highlights the need to...

  例句:Davis (2021) highlights the need to integrate mental health services into primary healthcare systems.

  Author discusses the challenges and strategies for ...

  例句:Wilson (2016) discusses the challenges and strategies for implementing sustainable agriculture practices.

  Author carried out numerical study of ...

  例句:Taylor (2019) carried out a numerical study of fluid dynamics in microgravity environments.

  Author describes...

  例句:Miller (2020) describes the historical context of educational reforms in the 21st century.

  Author argued/discovered/found/suggested/summarized that...

  例句:Clark (2018) discovered that early childhood education has a significant impact on later academic performance.



  There have been several studies in….

  例句:There have been several studies in the field of renewable energy focusing on solar and wind power.

  A considerable amount of literature has been published on....

  例句:A considerable amount of literature has been published on the effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems.

  There is a large volume of published studies describing....

  例句:There is a large volume of published studies describing the various methods of data encryption.

  Researchers have studied...

  例句:Researchers have studied the impact of social media on adolescent mental health extensively.

  Previous studies have primarily concentrated on …

  例句:Previous studies have primarily concentrated on the economic implications of artificial intelligence.


  英国Literature Review辅导表示,在文献综述中,反驳和表达反向观点是展示研究全面性和批判性思维的重要手段。以下是一些常用的表达模板句:

  However, a number of studies show that significant differences...

  例句:However, a number of studies show that significant differences exist between urban and rural health outcomes.

  Author found differences suggesting that...

  例句:Johnson (2018) found differences suggesting that traditional teaching methods may not be effective in the digital age.

  In contrast, Author concluded that...

  例句:In contrast, Smith (2017) concluded that environmental regulations have a positive impact on economic growth.

  In contrast, the study by Author indicated that...

  例句:In contrast, the study by Brown (2019) indicated that high protein diets could lead to long-term health issues.

  The above findings contradict the study by...

  例句:The above findings contradict the study by Taylor (2016), which reported no significant relationship between diet and mood.

  However, interestingly, this is contrary to a study conducted by ...

  例句:However, interestingly, this is contrary to a study conducted by Wilson (2020), which found no correlation between screen time and sleep quality.

  Despite prior evidence...

  例句:Despite prior evidence suggesting the benefits of remote work, recent studies have highlighted potential drawbacks.

  英国毕业论文Literature Review部分学术表达模板句,上述主要给大家分享了三类,写作过程中,有效利用这些模板句,可以更有效地组织和表达文献综述中的观点和反驳,从而提升毕业论文的整体质量,当然写作阶段有任何疑问,需要英国论文文献综述辅导等需求,可以随时向辅无忧寻求帮助哦。

本文标签: 英国毕业论文辅导英国论文文献综述辅导Literature Review辅导
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